Radial pulse:
- Wrist held in semiflexed and semipronated position
- Pulp of 3 fingers (index, middle, ring) over wrist
- Index (disal) finger obliterates artery
- Middle finger feels pulse
- Ring (proximal) finger applies pressure
- To feel collapsing pulse: raise the arm while feeling across the pulse with the fingers of other hand
- Note: Rate, rhythm, Condition of the arterial wall, Radioradial delay
Brachial pulse:
- Feel with thumb (right thumb for right arm and vice versa) with other fingers cupping round the back of elbow
- Medial to tendon of biceps
- Usually examined during BP measurement
Carotid pulse:
- Feel with left thumb for right artery and vice versa, one at a time
- Between larynx and anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
- Auscultate for bruits
- Usually examined during auscultation of heart sound
- Note: Volume, Character
Femoral pulse:
- With 2 fingers (index and middle)
- Midinguinal point (Medial to lateral : VAN)
- Usually examined during drawing of blood from femoral vein
- Note: Radiofemoral delay
Popliteal artery:
- With thumbs in front and fingertips behind, having curled both hands into the popliteal fossa
- Feel for the pulse in midline 3-4 cm below the knee crease
- Knee flexed 30 degree
Posterior tibial artery:
- 2cm below and posterior to medial malleolus
Dorsalis pedis artery:
- Feel in the middle of the dorsum of the foot just lateral to the tendon of extensor hallucis longus
- Best felt at the proximal extent of the groove between the 1st and 2nd metatarsals
- Continuation of anterior tibial artery
Recording of individual pulses:
a. Normal : +
b. Reduced: +/-
c. Absent: -
d. Aneurysmal: ++
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